Monday, August 15, 2011

Bio Poem

Who is... enthusiastic, a bit of a nutjob, and fun.
Who is... the sister of Tanya Sharma.
Who loves... oreos, cake, and books.
Who feels... sad, happy, and confused.
Who needs.... her best friend, a puppy to love, and a peaceful world.
Who gives... help to others, time to people at a time of doubt, and tries her best to save the Earth.
Who fears... losing everyone she loves, the world to end in our hands, and things that would risk her life.
Who would like to see... a world without war, a green planet, and everyone happy.
Who shares... advice, opinions, and food (maybe).
Who is.. ambitious, trustworthy, and loyal.
Who is a resident of..... Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
